
Consumers, businesses, 和 governments increasingly rely on interconnected 和 complex technologies. Enabling society to safely reap the benefits of this progress requires strong cybersecurity policies, 实践, 和意识. 推进这一事业, Rapid7与政府合作, 公司, 非营利组织, 还有专家来制定政策, 标准, 以及有利于消费者和维护负责任的网络安全从业人员的立法.



Laws restricting computer access 和 use should carefully balance the need to combat cybercrime with the value of supporting security research, 创新, 以及其他合法活动.


独立的安全研究对推进网络安全具有重要意义, but the Computer Fraud 和 Abuse Act (业内人士) makes little distinction between beneficial research 和 malicious hacking. We support responsible 业内人士 reforms 和 clarifications to protectshield security researchers 和 internet users from overbroad liability.


英国的《pg电子》(CMA)危害了防御性安全工具的共享, 不承认诚信安全研究的重要性, 并且未能定义访问系统的授权构成. Rapid7 supports sensible reforms that clarify these issues 和 advance cybersecurity without creating opportunities for abuses.

Rapid7 occasionally advises states on computer access laws to protect consumers 和 businesses while avoiding obstacles to research 和创新.


Authorizing private entities to take active measures in retaliation against hacking risks undermining cybersecurity 和 causing collateral damage.



Deral海兰德 CISSP, serves as a Research Lead (IoT) for Rapid7. 他在信息技术领域拥有超过20年的经验, 曾担任多个职位,包括:高级网络分析师, 网络管理员, 数据库管理器, 财务系统经理和高级信息安全分析师. 在过去的10多年里,Deral的职业生涯一直专注于安全研究, 安全评估, 渗透测试, 和 consulting for corporations 和 government agencies. 联邦政府还对许多技术课题进行了安全研究, 发布白皮书, 安全警告, 和 has presented the information at numerous national 和 international security conferences including Blackhat, 防御, Shmoocon, DerbyCon, RSAC, 巴黎骇客. Deral has been interviewed by 和 quoted by several media outlets 和 publications including ABC World 新闻 Tonight, 英国广播公司, 《pg电子》, 麻省理工学院技术评论, SC杂志, 威胁贴和登记簿.

Vice President of Global Government Affairs 和 公共政策

Sabeen马利克是Rapid7全球政府事务和公共政策副总裁. She has spent her education 和 career pursuits becoming a thought leader on digital economy 和 tech policy issues, 法律与经济发展, 创新的经济, 和 next-generation emerging technology 和 economic trends. Sabeen has worked in the private 和 public sector, 包括在图钉, 谷歌, 和 the United 州 Department of 状态 where she served as a senior tech advisor to the Under Secretary of 状态 for Economic Growth, 能源, 与环境. 同时对商业和经济问题的全球技术趋势充满热情, she also is an expert on bridging differences with the public 和 private sector to create international partnerships that solve global problems. 萨宾在几个董事会任职,是杜鲁门国家安全研究员, 阿斯彭苏格拉底研究员, Atlantic Council Non Resident Fellow, 和 Stimson Loomis Council member. She has spoken at the World Bank, the UN, 和 the White House.

联合创始人 & 首席技术官

助教Giakouminakis leads Rapid7’s Office of the CTO, 专注于安全研究, data science 和 public policy initiatives to better the security community through open 和 collaborative engagement. 作为Rapid7的联合创始人和首席技术官, Tas之前领导了Rapid7屡获殊荣的解决方案的开发和集成, 推动技术方向,使客户通过质量, 简单, 和创新. 在创立Rapid7之前, Tas helped form Percussion Software, where he led the development of Percussion's first product. 他还为花旗集团开发了安全和风险领域的软件. 他在美国信息系统技术咨询委员会(ISTAC)任职.S. 部门. 他在美国商务部就与信息安全产品相关的出口管制提供咨询.